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Women behind the scenes

Women behind the scenes

These women are not yet – or do not wish to be – fully visible on this page, yet they are part of the community carrying this project: Mireille Nancy Caroline Angelita Alix Annie Carine Leen Nafissa Els Ilvana Wally…

Autumn Elis

Autumn Elis

Feminism is believing there shouldn’t exist reasons to undermine other women, to compare and fear each other. There are no more reasons to fight amongst us and seek validation in this patriarchal built system. We don’t have time for that. We…



I want my actions and words to always have love at its core. There’s already enough fighting and aggression in this world. I believe that with all our love we can make much greater change! Photo: Lies Ceustermans All portraits



From being a part of this project, I feel stronger to say no when I am pushed to do something I don’t want to do. Knowing other women also suffer from similar situations has given me much more strength to…



There are so many subtle things rooted in society that suggest inequality. All these small oppressions aren’t hard to change, but there is still so much work to be done, and that is my motivation to keep standing up against…



Throughout this project I have learned so far that in all cultures there are similar issues of oppression, which are all visible and embedded in their own unique ways. Photo: Lies Ceustermans All portraits

Maria Teresa

Maria Teresa

As an outcome of 2026WOMEN, I would like to bring people together to fight for equality despite their gender indentity. As society, we also need men’s commitment to foster women’s rights. Thus, addressing our message in ways that elicit overall…



Respect is a very important value to me and equality seems like a direct result of having respect for everyone. It seems so evident to have respect for all human beings, but our society lacks a great deal.  Photo: Lies…



I can talk to anyone about the topics from this project. I don’t mind expressing my feelings, and everyone should have the right to do so. Photo: Lies Ceustermans All portraits



We need to make sure we aren’t being pushed to be more manly. Staying with our femininity can be hard. Some women feel like they have to act more manly to be on the same level as the men, but…

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